Frequently Asked Questions

Will my feet go through the holes?

This is the most common question we get and we know the design may look odd but the likelihood of your feet going through the holes is very low. In order to fit a foot through the holes, you would have to be standing on your toes. Which, although somewhat impressive, is not recommended while riding.

What should I do with my trucks when I remove them?

This is one of the greatest parts of the design, it’s totally up to you! We are working on designing a backpack with clips for the trucks but until then you can put them on top of the board, next to the board, in your cup holders, whatever you want.

Can you do tricks on the board?

This is a great question as it brings to light a common point of confusion. There is a big difference between cruising boards and park/street boards. We sell cruising boards, which are intended to be used for transportation and recreational riding. The boards are not intended to be used for tricks. That being said, nothing is impossible if you put your mind to it and we are totally stoked to see what you can come up with. Just keep in mind the intended function of the boards and be careful (and take lots of videos!).

Do you do influencer partnerships?

We are absolutely interested in partnering with influencers. We love seeing the content that you all create and we would be thrilled to work with you on getting more people to join this exciting new era of skating.

Are there more styles for the boards coming soon?

Yes! We have a couple of exciting things in the works and we can’t wait to share them with you! A great way to hear about our upcoming products is by following our social media pages and/or joining our newsletter.